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Distinguish Flap valve and penstock

Distinguish Flap valve and penstock

Penstock to fade?


Sliding gate valve valve type fade, have many different sizes fit the requirement of use in regulating water supply and drainage systems and water treatment.

Van door fade usually have rectangular window with elastic dệm in three sides of the sliding doors. The main parts are made of HDPE materials shield or composite works closed, blocking the water. the link with the crank shaft mounted control panels, raised lowered, from which regulate the amount of water flowing through the port.

The van door application fade in water supply plants, canals, streams and rivers in order to regulate the water level.

Flap valve the Court?

ngan van trieu-rlk-r-f-01

Flap valves is the single flap valve cockroach link drainage output. It allows water to flow in one direction and prevents water flow in the opposite direction.

The valve is usually composed of a shield link rigid frame with a hinge mechanism, close the open window type. With collapsible design, allow the water to flow from the inside out pipes on the outside. When there is external pressure acting on the valve ports will close, preventing water intrusion from the outside into inside ducts.

Flap valve operation video

Penstock operation video fade

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